
Woohoo December!!

I have been intending to update here every single day over the last month or so, but life just gets in the way sometimes.  Here we are on the eighth day of December and there is so much to catch up on.  But lets just jump in where we are, okay?

So far we have been having a blast with our activity advent calendar.  So far we have had a holiday movie marathon, mani-pedi day, made salt dough blobs instead of ornaments, and stocked up on holiday books from the library.  There was also an attempt at a puppet show that hasn’t exactly happened yet.

Today we headed out to the store to stock up on candies for our graham cracker houses.  We came back, put some pizza in the oven and got to work.  The royal icing mixed up a little runny so when we couldn’t get the roof to stand up like we wanted, we decided to just make ourselves a shed instead.

Chloe made up a cute little story about this family who didn’t have a house so they lived in this cute little shed.  They loved their shed so very much because they had so many beautiful decorations.  It didn’t even bother them when their house started falling apart because they still had each other.


This morning it hit me that the one day I thought I would just take a break from blogtoberfest had turned into three.  I have no real excuse.  I haven’t been sick and I haven’t had any major life dramas pop up or anything.  I’ve just been a grouch.  A grouch with nothing much to say or share.  So there was nothing to do but to change this mood I have managed to get myself stuck in.

Here’s some tips for doing just that should you find yourself in the grouchiest of moods.

First, you should make sure to include some form of chocolate with your breakfast.  Leftover gooey brownies from the night before are perfect.

Second, you should put on something that makes you feel pretty.  Even if you are staying home for the day.  A dress would be great.  A pink dress would be perfect.

Third, find a soft quilt to lay across the back of the couch.  Any blanket will do actually.  But something old and hand-stitched would be ideal.  This little act will help you to ignore all the clothes and toys strewn around on every other surface.

Forth, now this is the most important step, stop and hug your kids every time they come within close proximity of you.  It just takes a couple of seconds to give and receive this kind of love, but it sets a tone that cannot be ignored.

And last, remember that it is Wednesday.  Glee comes on tonight!

edited to add:  It’s not coming on tonight, but I can pretend!



I always want to remember that on Chloe’s forth Halloween she called our pumpkins jack-a-lanterins.

Four is so much fun.  She has such a great memory, but she experiences most everything as if it is happening for the very first time.  Tonight when we lit the candles in these babies, she squealed like it was the most exciting thing to ever have happened to her.  She helps me to look at these moments with fresh eyes.  To truly experience and appreciate what is happening right now.  It’s absolutely amazing when I remember to pay attention.

one of those days

It has been a day full of errands today.  Library, feed store, doctor for a check up.  With all of the kids.  So I sit here with nothing to give to the blog today.  I occurs to me that this is why I don’t blog every, single day.  Well, unless I come across a good reason to.  Like say, blogtoberfest.

I think I’ll stop trying now and go curl up with Gilmore Girls for a bit.

new project


There really hasn’t been enough creating around here lately.  Today I managed to work on a new idea.  It’s nice to finally get some ideas flowing again.


This morning it was cuddling.

This afternoon was playing in leaves.

It’s nice to be able to mark thing off the to-do list.


She can make toys out of anything.  Hot rollers as people!

She makes up these incredibly elaborate games.  She’ll tell you exactly what is supposed to happen from beginning to end before she even gets started.

My favorite moment during this particular game was when she started laughing at herself and said, “Oh Mama, I’m so silly sometimes!  I forgot to make them talk!”

homemade slime


This afternoon we decided that it was finally time to get to that slime recipe.  I think that this is the best recipe we have tried yet!  It really comes together just like slime we have bought at the dollar store.  Catelynn had a great time letting it ooze while giving it the crazy eye.


And Chloe made up a great little story about her toys walking through blue mud.

Did you notice that we are outside and there is sun shining back there?  Oh so nice.


at this very moment

Mr. 16 is excited about some amazing gaming feat or another.  Miss 12 is excited about watching a new episode of iCarly.  And it just came on!!  Chloe, Miss 4, is still eating supper.  She has become a bottomless pit today.  And hubby is sitting beside me in bed listening to his ipod.

But what am I doing?  I am sitting here wondering what in the world I could possibly write about today.  Maybe the way I completely overreacted about starting a new medicine this morning.  Or hey, maybe the two baby opossums I found in the garbage bin outside this morning.  Hmmm…Nah, I think I will just call it a day and hope for better tomorrow.